In 1996, First Baptist Leesburg, in partnership with Leesburg Regional Medical Center (now UF Health Leesburg Hospital), established a hospital-funded nurse medical ministry and began serving those in the Christian Care Center’s residential facilities and outside community referrals. Three years later, a generous grant provided funding to construct the current facility.
The Community Medical Care Center is a non profit clinic offering primary medical and dental care to the qualified uninsured and medically indigent of the surrounding area. The clinic offers primary care, specialty care, chronic disease management and dental care to a segment of the community who might otherwise do without necessary medical care.
Care is provided by volunteer doctors, nurses and dentists in addition to a small compensated staff. The clinic and medical professionals operate under a legal statute which transfers liability of not-for-profit clinics and providers of the state.
In order to qualify for services, patients must meet the following criteria:
- Income at or below 150% of poverty level
- No medical insurance of any kind
- No Medicaid or Medicare coverage
- No person over the age of 65
Qualifying patients receive all primary care free of charge. The clinic also provides referrals for free diagnostic tests, chronic disease education and care and referrals for surgical procedures. A staff nurse works with pharmaceutical companies to obtain free prescription medication and a representative from the hospital’s patient services department works to provide needed procedures unavailable in the clinic through the hospital’s charity care program.
UF Health Leesburg Hospital is a proud supporter of this endeavor and we thank the dedicated team of volunteers and staff who serve in many capacities to care for our local community.
Learn more
You can call the center at 352.787.8489 or email